Now Enrolling for Spring 2025

Gnosis I: The White Serpent

Dr. Hereward Tilton

Special Open Enrollment for Fall Quarter

The Soul's Code: Calling & Its Necessary Angels

Dr. Sharon Blackie

We are excited to announce that Dr. Blackie will be leading a special four-week course on James Hillman’s influential book The Soul’s Code: In Search of Character and Calling. This course will delve into Hillman’s profound exploration of "calling" — the idea that each of us is born with a unique, inherent destiny to fulfill. Through guided inquiry, students will connect with their soul's deeper purpose and uncover the life they were truly meant to live.

This course is highly recommended for anyone interested in James Hillman’s work or seeking a deeper understanding of their own life’s calling. Given the limited availability, we anticipate this course will fill up quickly, so be sure to reserve your spot soon!

Coming in Summer 2025

Gnosis II: The Divine Mirror

Dr. Hereward Tilton

Entering the Imaginal Realm: Myth, Metaphor, and Psyche

Dr. Joanna Gardner

James Hillman & Archetypal Psychology I: Sources & Influences

Dr. Tom Cheetham

Practical Archetypal Astrology Ill: Aspects and Transits Practicum

Dr. Laurence Hillman

Coming in Fall 2025

Gnosis Ill: The Tree of Life

Dr. Hereward Tilton

Introduction to Mantra Science: Theory & Practice

Ms. Mary Magyar

James Hillman & Archetypal Psychology Il: Early Writings

Dr. Glen Slater

Practical Archetypal Astrology V: Synastry Charts Practicum

Dr. Laurence Hillman

Coming in Winter 2026

Gnosis IV: The New Age

Dr. Hereward Tilton

Esotericism and the American Spirit 1: Modern Foundations/ Perennial Questions

Dr. Daniel Joseph Polikoff

The Magical Power of Music: From Late Antiquity to the Renaissance

Dr. Sebastian F. Moro Tornese