A Few Words About Our Business Philosophy

The teacher-student relationship is sacred and institutions are there to support it, not exploit it.

May the lights in The Land of Plenty shine on the truth some day.
— Leonard Cohen

Aside from our unique interdisciplinary philosophical ideals, commitment to academic excellence, and integrity in scholarship, Kosmos Institute also addresses the economic iniquities plaguing higher education. The teacher and student are the two most important elements in any educational situation. As far as we can tell, the educational institution exists to uphold, support, and cultivate the dignified delivery of this relationship and its contributions to the ever-growing cosmos of knowledge and free inquiry.

However, nowadays schools seem more interested in self-enrichment than in ideals of truth, beauty, and goodness. This sad fact is evident in the economic violence done to students and teachers in the United States where students seeking higher education are inevitably saddled with crushing levels of student loan debt and teachers are overworked and ridiculously underpaid, many forced to abide as adjunct professors who not only lack work stability and benefits but are frequently paid even less than entry-level executive assistants.

Furthermore, the list of questionable practices many educational institutions exhibit extends beyond mere greed. It also includes censorship, politically motivated firings, misrepresentations of the truth, blatant levels of plagiarism, nepotism, racism, and other unsavory behaviors unbecoming an institution of higher learning.

Since these educational models are so deeply invested in maintaining their unfair but lucrative business practices, one solution is for innovative institutions like ours to step forward and offer an alternative, equitable approach to reveal its value and viability.

To this end, at Kosmos Institute, we offer university-level courses taught by magnificent professors whose longstanding commitment to integrity, honesty, and excellence is beyond reproach, all for $37 per week (since all classes are nine weeks long and cost $333). Coming in 2025, we are announcing a series of comprehensive curricula in the humanities constituting full-time educational opportunities with total tuition not exceeding $1400 per year. In other words, students can access potentially life-changing education for a little over $100 per month which means they can almost certainly afford to pay for it out of pocket and not accrue any debt. Additionally, fifty percent of the tuition goes directly to the professor teaching the class (and we are 100% transparent about this promise). The rest covers the school’s minimal expenses since we have a small staff and are committed to maintaining low overhead.

Thus, when you support us you are directly supporting the professor's practical life in a meaningful way and empowering Kosmos Institute to broaden its reach by offering more classes aimed at generating in our students an abiding love of truth, beauty, and wisdom, while also honoring them enough to not exploit or manipulate them for selfish gains.

As we collectively shift into a holistic paradigm and associated world views of cooperation, fairness, and decency represented mythologically and astrologically by the incoming Age of Aquarius, we can all enact loving changes by supporting innovative business models that strive to see beyond the outdated and unsustainable corporate ethos of "growth above all." We may even come to see the value in a more conscious process of divesting from iniquitous financial contracts which will in turn necessitate the growth of ever more businesses that follow equitable practices to meet the growing demand for fairness.


Nested Realities